Sunday, September 09, 2007


So far... i'm juggling 3 jamaaz.

Don't give me that look?!

C'mon, men always do that to us All the time. So, why not...umm.... return the favor??!!

Gosh, this is hard work!! Sometimes they are all blowing my phone withing seconds of each other.

I guess it would be a bit too late to be asking for a simple quiet life eh?!

Oh well, fear not, i trot on with confidence!!

*whimpering* someone pray for me!!!


bomseh said...


Udi said...

playa playa

|d®| said...

Don't hate the player, right?

Msanii_XL said...

Pimpery status huh?

Unknown said...

asi!!! kelitu u gatt game three of them? how do you kumbuka who is who?....if you fika your 1 month anniversary...hala so i can borrow tips :)

inexcess said...

Serious? Two ni sawa but three? Hio sasa ni kazi!

Acolyte said...

I have given you full marks! But the question is, can you keep up with the game before the game takes you under? You arent the first to try!