Saturday, March 29, 2008


Yes dammit! I've gone mother-f'ing green y'all!!

For now though...

still looking for that one template that will turn me out!

So, in the spirit of going green. I'm back on my weight-wagon. That is, after i burnt the last two and used them to make a bbq fire.
I need to lose 10lbs in 10hours!! And i am going h-a-r-d at it!
I was at some expensive Whole Food store today (dunno why or how i got there. I started driving and would not stop till i got to the store).

I walked in and bought the some price-jacked fruits and veggies i would by at the local grocer for a fraction of the price...only because these ones are "organic". I mean what the hell is organic? Not had pesticide and herbicides sprayed on them? Give me a break, kwani these fruits and veggie are bodi like how? So after parting with a price that a gallon of crude-oil was going for in 1900, i walked out and didn't even look back.

Anyway i will let all y'all know how Season 3 of "Diet-diaries" turns out. I am going back to working out 6 times a week as well... ugh! i'm already breaking into a sweat just thinking about it.

So in other mind-numbing news:

I was listening to Beyonces song "Beautiful Nightmare" and boy has she run out of steam lately.
I just wanna thank God for stopping the bleeding and swelling in my ears after listening to that sorry excuse of a song.

Relationships are hard! Aii it's like a job within a job. I don't know even where to start...?!! I see Acolyte has opted to stay single (lucky bastartd!!). But sooner or later Aco, it catches up to ya.
I have been told to tone down...apparently i'm to loud and have an alarming reaction to situations. Kelitu will be shutting-the-hell-up from now on. That is my promise to you!!

It's funny how after all these years my white friends still don't understand how hair-braidingis done. And i am tired of expalning it dammit! I'm tired of their shocked look when i tell them that i have to sit for 6 strait hours while someone adds freakin' extensions to my natural hair. Let me be please, let me be.

With that being said, have a lovely weekend.
I am off to eat some rabbit food of some sort and proceed to pass out on me bed for the rest of the afternoon as a result of a fainting spell from not enuff food. I may just (on the other hand)open a bottle of wine and then the passing out will be legit.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I'm just saying...

Can we talk about hygiene for a friggin' minute?!

I know men are always getting on women about being clean and smelling fresh, but men...can you please freshen up!!

Ugh!! I have come across my fair share of stank McStank stank men. You know those men who think that brushing teeth is over-rated, as well as taking a shower daily?!! We all know them.

I just can't stand a man who does take pride in scrubbing himself clean. What are you afraid of? It's you own body, clean it darnnit!!

Before my minute wraps up here are some spots(men) that you need to pay close attention to:

*neck- front and back
*ears (in and out) wax that wax-off!!!
* of the perfect spots for dirt to accumulate. I don't care if you wear socks daily... all the dirt trickles south so...get to bending and scrubbing.
*the small of the back...just coz you can't see don't mean you can't clean it!
*belly button- it's hollow the math
* Lift you damn balls and scrub that scrotum clean!!
Last but not least, ass... better get to scrubbing that crack and feel no shame about it.

A clean ass does everyone some good!

Thank you!