Thursday, March 16, 2006

Spring Fever

In my head Spring had already sprung and not a minute too soon.

So i have a fabolous vacation lined up(yes!) and i can't wait to kick back and get some well deserved R&R. I promise no booze this time (i need to have memories of what happens when i go away).

I may lurk around the blogsphere, see what all's ya doing.


Medusa said...

Hey there..just ran into yours- some good stuff you have in here. Ati, that was funny.
I'll be back!
Oh, and yes..easy on the booze...or not?? Just have a good time!

Nakeel said...

Akll the best with the spring booze and may free bottles fall on you..

Acolyte said...

Have fun!The weather here is turning out real fab right now!

Kelitu said...

@ Medusa, thanx. Drop by anytime lakini bring your own tea bag i will offer you a kikombe & hot water.

@Nakeel, are the free bootles supposed to be filled with something?! Nina paranoia mbaya sana.

@ Acolyte, you can say that again. manze my feet had been itching to be let loose on some flip flops for a while now.

Farmgal said...

enjoy the break!